Alex PerryWildlife Photography

Wildlife Photography Blog

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Bulgaria 2024, Day 6: Mt. Orelyak Blues
6th August 2024

An extremely successful walk up Mt. Orelyak in the Pirin Mountains, seeing the rare Bosnian Blue, as well as Higgin's Anomalous Blue, Phalakron Blue, and a great range of other butterflies, bird and orchids.

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Higgin's Anomalous Blue
Bulgaria 2024, Day 5: Male Yellow-winged Darter
5th August 2024

A few hours focused on trying to photograph male Yellow-winged Darter at Smolyan Lakes.

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Yellow-winged Darter
Bulgaria 2024, Day 4: Paril Butterflies
4th July 2024

A successful day at a couple of sites near the border with Greece — the best finds being Lulworth Skipper and a lifer for us: Provençal Short-tailed Blue.

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Lulworth Skipper
Bulgaria 2024, Day 3: Southwest Dragonflies & Chuchaligovo
3rd July 2024

Visited a range of sites in far southwest Bulgaria, in particular looking for dragonflies. We missed out on Violet Dropwing but saw Bladetail and Banded Darter, as well as mix of interesting butterflies.

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Bulgaria 2024, Day 2: Kozhuh and Rupite
2nd July 2024

A morning visit to the site of a extinct volcano, seeing a few interesting insects including a Freyer's Grayling, Bloodword Burnet, and a variety of Orthoptera including the rare Bronze Glandular Bush-crickets.

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Freyer's Grayling
Bulgaria 2024, Day 1: Searching for Yellow-winged Darters
1st July 2024

The first day of the trip was mainly a travel day, but we did have a little time in the morning to check out 'Smolyanski Ezera', in particular to search for Yellow-winged Darter.

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Yellow-winged Darter
Bulgaria 2022, Day 17: South East Butterflies Part 1
2nd October 2023

The first of three days in the far south-east of the country. After a morning washout we had a good afternoon with two new species — an Assmann's Fritillary, and a tantalisingly brief Large Chequered Skipper.

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Assmann's Fritillary
Bulgaria 2022, Day 16: Some Herping & Atanasovsko Ezero Again
26th September 2023

Started off at a site north of Burgas to look unsuccessfully for Reddish Whip Snake. Then visited Atanasovsko Ezero again, and finished off along the southern Black Sea Coast with a rain-interrupted herping session.

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Eastern Slow Worm
Bulgaria 2022: Dice Snake
24th September 2023

Some photos of a young Dice Snake we found at the end of day 15 of the trip.

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Dice Snake
Bulgaria 2022: Dark Spreadwing
23rd September 2023

A selection of photos of a Dark Spreadwing we found at Pomorie Salt Museum.

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Dark Spreadwing
American Cliff Swallow at Joss Bay
20th September 2023

A quick visit to Joss Bay to see Kent's first American Cliff Swallow.

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American Cliff Swallow
Bulgaria 2022, Day 15: Atanasovsko Ezero & more at Pomorie
18th September 2023

Today's main site was Atanasovsko Ezero, where a large number of Greater Flamingo and a small mix of waders were the highlights, as well as a few dragonflies and moths. At Pomorie in the evening the best bits were Dark Spreadwing and a Dice Snake.

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Small Red-eye
Bulgaria 2022, Day 14 Part 2: Avocets & Stilts at Pomorie
13th September 2023

An evening session photographing in excellent light Black-winged Stilts and Avocets at Pomorie.

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Bulgaria 2022: Collared Pratincoles
12th September 2023

A selection of photos from an excellent session photographing one of my favourite species, the Collared Pratincole, at Poda BSPB.

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Collared Pratincole in Bulgaria
Bulgaria 2022, Day 14 Part 1: Poda BSPB Reserve
31st August 2023

A visit to the Poda BSPB reserve, with a nice selection of birds, a Tree Frog, and a new species of bird for me: Citrine Wagtail.

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Bulgaria 2022, Day 13 Part 2: Goritsa Forest Herps
22nd August 2023

An afternoon spent in the Goritsa Forest, unsuccessfully looking for Semicollared Flycatcher. We did however see some good herps, including more Meadow Lizards, and my first ever skink.

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Snake-eyed Skink
Bulgaria 2022, Day 13 Part 1: Steppe Birding
10th August 2023

This morning was spent birding the steppe around the village of Balgarevo, looking mainly for larks & pipits. Photography was challenging, but I came away with some atmospheric shots of most of the steppe specialists.

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Calandra Lark
Bulgaria 2022, Day 12 Part 2: Cape Kaliakra — Mostly Wheatears!
8th August 2023

A late afternoon/evening visit to Cape Kaliakra was as productive as we hoped. Both Pied Wheatear and Northern Wheatear were easy to photograph. The day finished with a nice bonus in the form of a very obliging Tawny Pipit.

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Pied Wheatear
Bulgaria 2022, Day 12 Part 1 - Durankulak & a Lesser Grey Shrike
6th August 2023

The morning's main focus was hunting for Paddyfield Warbler — we were successful! Black Pennant was a nice bonus here too. We then moved on to another birdy site by the coast, before getting lucky with a showy Lesser Grey Shrike.

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Paddyfield Warbler in Bulgaria
Bulgaria 2022: Scarce Fritillary
4th August 2023

A selection of additional Scarce Fritillary images from the final (and most productive for this species) site we visited in the Suha Reka region.

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Scarce Fritillary (Euphydryas maturna) in northern Bulgaria
Bulgaria 2022, Day 11: Suha Reka Butterflies
2nd August 2023

Exploring a couple more sites in the 'Suha Reka' area of Bulgaria for Scarce Fritillary. We saw plenty at the second site, as well as a nice mix of other butterflies.

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Large Copper (Lycaena dispar) in Bulgaria
Rock Pipit at Reculver Towers
13th December 2022

A selection of Rock Pipit photos from a recent visit to Reculver Towers. I had been hoping to find photograph Black Redstart, but the chance to take my favourite Rock Pipit photos to date was decent enough compensation.

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Rock Pipit at Reculver Towers (Kent)
Bulgaria 2022, Day 10: Scarce Fritillaries & a Meadow Lizard
1st June 2022

A successful day despite only having a short amount of time, with a good session spent photographing Scarce Fritillary. There was also a nice bonus in the form of a Meadow Lizard, a new species for us.

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Meadow Lizard
Bulgaria 2022, Day 9: Sakar Region
31st May 2022

A day spent birding in the area of Bulgaria called Sakar. We failed to find one of the main targets, Eastern Imperial Eagle, but were successful with Masked Shrike and Lesser Kestrel amongst a nice variety of birds. We also searched unsuccessfully for Russian Heath, but were compensated with a range of other insects.

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Lesser Kestrel
Bulgaria 2022, Day 8: Searching for Small Bath White
30th May 2022

The main target today was to search for a rare butterfly: the Small Bath White. We saw a nice variety of other Lepidoptera too, plus had a good time with Eastern Subalpine Warblers and a mix of other birds down by the river.

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Small Bath White (Pontia chloridice)
Bulgaria 2022, Day 7: Raptors and other Eastern Rodopi Wildlife
29th May 2022

Spent the morning searching unsuccessfully for Sand Boa, but seeing an interesting range of wildlife including a low Lesser Spotted Eagle and lots of Dainty Bluet. Afternoon at a variety of other sites, photographing vultures, a surprise flock of pelicans, Schmidtler's Smooth Newt and various insects.

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Griffon Vulture
Bulgaria 2022, Day 6: Some Dragonflies & Little Ringed Plovers
28th May 2022

A disappointing day overall, with the morning spent searching unsuccessfully for Levant Sparrowhawk, and the afternoon spent attempting more flight shots of the tricky pair of Eastern Spectre and Turkish Goldenring. Photo opportunities of Little Ringed Plover and Small Pincertail were the highlights.

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Small Pincertail
Bulgaria 2022, Day 5: Dolna Kula Part II & Studen Kladenets
27th May 2022

Spent the morning repeating what we'd done the previous day, focusing in particular on improving photos of Eastern Black-eared Wheatear and Lesser Grey Shrike. Afternoon spent at a dragonfly site, attempting to get flight shots of Turkish Goldenring and Eastern Spectre.

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Eastern Black-eared Wheatear (male)
Eastern Olivaceous Warbler ~ Eastern Rodopi, Bulgaria
27th May 2022

A few photos of a confiding male Eastern Olivaceous Warbler photographed over two sessions in the Dolna Kula Valley of the Eastern Rodopi mountains.

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Eastern Olivaceous Warbler
Chukar ~ Eastern Rodopi, Bulgaria
27th May 2022

A selection of photographs of a surprisingly showy Chukar from the Dolna Kula Valley. Across two visits we were afforded some excellent views as it called from rocks just above and just below the road.

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Chukar on a rock in the Eastern Rodopi mountains of Bulgaria
Bulgaria 2022: Day 4 - Birding the Dolna Kula Valley
26th May 2022

An entirely bird-focused day in the Dolna Kula Valley of the Eastern Rodopi. We had four main targets: Roller, Lesser Grey Shrike, Eastern Black-eared Wheatear and Chukar. We saw all four and I managed good photos of two.

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European Roller
Bulgaria 2022: Day 3 - Masked Shrikes, Dragonflies & a Clearwing
25th May 2022

A frustrating day focused around dragonflies, saved at either end by some Masked Shrike action early in the morning, and then my first ever non-lured clearwing found roosting in the evening.

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Pyropteron minianiformis
Bulgaria 2022 - Day 2: Birds & Orchids around Ivaylovgrad
24th May 2022

A day where the focus was mainly on birds, in particular trying to photograph Isabelline Wheatear, Woodchat Shrike and any raptors that came over. We also found a nice variety of orchids and herps.

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Isabelline Wheatear
Balkan Pond Terrapins ~ Eastern Rodopi, Bulgaria
24th May 2022

Some photos of Balkan Pond Terrapin from day 2 of our trip to Bulgaria. There were at least seven living in the trough of a water fountain.

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Balkan Pond Terrapin (Mauremys rivulata) from Eastern Rodopi, Bulgaria
Bulgaria 2022: Day 1 - Exploring the river 'Byala Reka'
23rd May 2022

A day spent exploring a river area in the Eastern Rodopi Mountains. No standout highlights, but a nice mix of butterflies, moths, reptiles, birds and beetles among others.

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Odalisque (Epallage fatime) on a branch in Bulgaria
European Bee-eater ~ Eastern Rodopi, Bulgaria
23rd May 2022

A few European Bee-eater photos from an encounter on the evening of my first day in Bulgaria. Most of the photos were taken using the car as a hide, but I later got out to take a few flight shots.

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European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster) perched on a branch in Eastern Rodopi, Bulgaria
Bulgaria 2022: Day 0 - First Evening in Eastern Rodopi
22nd May 2022

The first evening of a six-week trip to Bulgaria. Only time for a short walk out of the village we were staying in, but saw a few nice leps, including a roosting Eastern Festoon, 8 species of bat and several Bulgarian Bent-toed Gecko.

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Euplocamus ophisa (Tineidae) in Bulgaria
Confiding Wheatear at Reculver
16th May 2022

This morning I came across a surprisingly confiding Northern Wheatear on the beach at Reculver. It was a lot less nervous than the majority that pass through here, and I was able to get a nice variety of images.

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Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) at Reculver (Kent)